Monday, October 5, 2015


The what, why, how project.

The past couple of months I've been a ball of anxiety and espresso. between school, work, college plans, and planning now two foreign mission trips my to do list has been thoroughly packed and some things just haven't made the cut. one of  those things being art, i didn't put time, energy or the mental capacity aside for doing any art. so when this project was introduced it was another thing i had to do and i disregarded it and put it in the back of the line. with the help of my teachers unwavering nagging and dedication they lit a fire under my ass to get this project started. i think in words more than i do visual images or colors. my mind was a tornado and any plan or sketch id try and run with would just get swept away and destroyed by other stressers. i became hopeless and that's when we looked into making a collage. while looking through magazines for pictures i realized that the words on the pages interested me more than any picture. so i snipped away. i also chose a lot of black and white simple and clean images for the background along with some pops of a bright orange. honestly, i think steve jobs was part of the inspiration for this project, he had a very unique way of thinking, and a very simplistic way of portraying information, so i wanted to incorporate that somehow into my collage. i feel peace when i look at this, maybe because  im crazy or maybe because its the only solid, clean, and organized thing in my life right now that i have control over.
no i did not have a question to inspire this piece, and i love that. my life and everything i have going on requires questions and/or answers and quite frankly i don't have all of the answers and that stresses me. the reason for this project was to avoid questions, have it clean, simple and organized so the viewer may take it as they perceive it.

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